Regina Civic Middle Management Association Agreement

27 décembre 2022

The Regina Civic Middle Management Association (RCMMA) agreement is a crucial document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for middle management employees in the civic administration of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. It sets the standards for compensation, benefits, and working conditions, and is negotiated between the RCMMA and the City of Regina.

The RCMMA was established in 1967 and is responsible for representing the interests of middle management employees in the civic administration. It is a non-profit organization that works to ensure fair treatment and compensation for its members, and to promote a positive and productive work environment.

The current RCMMA agreement, which covers the period from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, includes provisions for salary increases, health benefits, and pension contributions. It also outlines the process for resolving disputes between the RCMMA and the City of Regina, and includes provisions for grievance procedures and arbitration.

One of the key features of the RCMMA agreement is its emphasis on workplace safety and health. The agreement includes provisions for a joint health and safety committee, which is responsible for identifying and addressing potential hazards in the workplace. It also includes provisions for training and education related to workplace safety and health.

Another important aspect of the RCMMA agreement is its focus on diversity and inclusion. The agreement recognizes the value of diversity in the workplace and includes provisions for promoting diversity and inclusivity in recruitment, hiring, and promotion decisions.

Overall, the RCMMA agreement is a crucial document that helps to ensure fair treatment and compensation for middle management employees in the civic administration of Regina. It reflects the value of workplace safety and health, as well as diversity and inclusivity, in creating a positive and productive work environment. As the agreement is renegotiated every few years, it remains a dynamic and evolving document that reflects the changing needs and priorities of the RCMMA and its members.